Wednesday, 20 April 2011

[EVENT] Gadget Show Live, 12th April 2011 - The Game Zone (part 2!)

The Game Zone (sponsored by, you've guessed it, GAME) at Gadget Show Live was an entire hall dedicated to showing off the latest and most exciting upcoming games, hardware and accessories. A quick wander round revealed demo machines showing off titles like Shift 2, Dirt 3, Gran Turismo 5 and a whole bunch of other franchises. There was one franchise, however, for which we made an immediate beeline.

And here it is! A first exclusive look at Duke Nukem Forever! Alright, maybe it's not THAT exclusive. The game (or demo, at least) begins with the urgent need for Duke to have a wee, which when you consider that this game has been twelve or thirteen years in the making, is entirely reasonable! Those familiar with the Duke Nukem series will be familiar with the story, aliens have landed and are stealing all the women, which has thoroughly annoyed our chauvinistic Duke - they're HIS women, dammit! (Or something like that.) The game looks pretty slick, and has taken notice of other leaders in the FPS genre, with cheeky nods to other titles such as Half Life in the dialogue. In the time Duke's been away, he's been honing his skills and trying his hand at some new things (as illustrated here in my gallery of photos from the Duke Nukem stand!) but the tried and tested formula remains the same. Chew bubblegum. Kick ass.

A few other highlights from the 18+ section included the Gears of War 3 demo, guaranteed to delight fans of the series. Admittedly, Gears isn't really my kind of game but the visuals are slick and the gameplay seems to handle well. Codes for the beta are now available from Gamestation in the UK when you pre-order the game, so now there's no excuse for not having a go yourself. Also played in this section was Mortal Kombat, on PS3s that were set up arcade style with proper old school sticks and buttons. I am terrible at fighting games, but my other half showed me how it was done, and later on the demo at home proved that he still knows all the fatalities. Gory, gruesome and grim! (But highly recommended, obviously!)

After leaving the 18+ area, we took in the rest of the Game Zone, which included a rather neat retro area, where we had a quick game of MarioKart 64, some fake Pac Man machines, complete with a Pac Man with ARMS, a few Kinects, (where I got stage fright and couldn't quite bring myself to play Dance Central!) some chaps playing Portal 2 who looked like they'd been there for HOURS and finally, the 3DS section. With the 3DS having been out for three weeks by this point, I'd managed to get my hopes up that we would be able to see some of the games scheduled for later on in the year, such as Zelda, Steel Diver and the Resident Evil games. Unfortunately it was not to be, as the only games displayed were the launch games. However, every cloud has a silver lining, and we picked up a ton of StreetPass hits from the area, and on this week's Gadget Show, we caught a split-second glimpse of my other half inside the 3DS area! (Which can be seen here! Literally the first second of the footage.) Trust me to be standing behind the camera!

Oh well, maybe next time! :)

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