Saturday 31 December 2011

[PERSONAL] The end of one year and the start of a new!

So, it's been a busy couple of months at Geek Towers, with very little time available to me for gaming, studying, let alone writing about it! The main factor in this has been my leaving the gaming industry for a full time job, my first in over five years! As sad as I was to leave, the security and prospects offered by my new job were certainly not to be sniffed at, and from the point of view of this blog will allow me to purchase all kinds of new toys and games to play with, not least my new best friend, my Kindle!

Also for Christmas the Husband and I received a stack of new games to play including Skyrim (obviously), Pokemon Rumble Blast, Zelda Skyward Sword and Rayman Origins. One of my new years resolutions is to sleep less and play more - I also am pledging to write more about all kinds of different things, so keep your eyes peeled!

Here's to 2012! Happy New Year everyone! :)