About Me

Sally (Miss Blue)

I started this blog many moons ago to warn the general public about some of the absolutely horrific games and gadgets out there - my reviews are intentionally vague at times, I certainly don't claim to have the most up to date information on the latest games but I DO aim to entertain. Input and constructive criticism are always welcome, and I invite you to get involved! Now that the next gen consoles have arrived, I feel the time is right to start bitching about stuff, this time with the help of some friends!

Other things that interest me include chemistry (specifically biochemistry and pharmacology), fashion (including having blue hair and wearing corsets), live music, socialising and long lie ins after the night before. I also make jewellery and hair extensions which can be found at my Etsy 


Andy has eritten me a lovely bio. I shall post it when I've finally got my PC back online. Sigh.